A Power of Attorney does not have insurable interest and cannot become the owner of a certificate without the insured being present. However, they do have the right to sign on behalf of the insured in other specified scenarios. See below for additional information.

Action Can POA without insurable interest perform? Can POA with insurable interest perform? Signature Required?*
Ownership No Yes Yes
Ownership Change Yes; as long as the POA is not naming themselves as the owner Yes Yes
Beneficiary Change Yes Yes Yes
Cancellation Yes Yes Yes
Surrender/Loan Yes Yes Yes
Assignment Change Yes Yes Yes
Value Changes — Increase/Decrease Yes Yes Yes
Reinstatements on certificates behind on six or more payments No No Yes; cannot be POA due to health questions
Reinstatements on certificates behind on five or less payments Yes Yes No
Address Change Yes Yes No
Payment Information Change — PAC/Credit Card/Direct Bill/EPO Yes Yes No
EPO Quote Yes Yes No

* Any person holding POA can also sign for the applicant on the line provided for the insured/annuitant in a case where the insured is not able to sign. This POA signature typically is followed by “[POA Name] acting on behalf of [Insured/Annuitant Name].” A POA signature on an enrollment form does not make the POA the owner; the person for whom the POA is acting will be listed as the owner. A POA can only be the owner if they’re listed as the owner and have insurable interest. Reminder: This is only acceptable with insurance products that don’t require the insured’s signature initials on the enrollment form/health questions.

Acceptable POAs include guardians, nursing home administrators, conservators and social workers.

TruStage Life of Canada does not require paperwork illustrating this relationship.

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